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title | '资治通鉴--齐纪--齐纪四' |
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description | '昭阳作噩,一年。世祖武皇帝下◎ 永明十一年癸酉,公元四九三年春,正月,以骠骑大将军王敬则为司空,镇军大将军陈显达为江州刺史。显达自以门寒位重,每迁官,常有愧惧之色,戒其子勿以富贵陵' |
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content | ' <p> 昭阳作噩,一年。</p> <p>世祖武皇帝下</p> <p> ◎ 永明十一年癸酉,公元四九三年</p> <p> 春,正月,以骠骑大将军王敬则为司空,镇军大将军陈显达为江州刺史。显达自以门寒位重,每迁官,常有愧惧之色,戒其子勿以富贵陵人;而诸子多事豪侈,显达闻之,不悦。子休尚为郢府主簿,过九江。显达曰:“麈尾蝇拂是王、谢家物,汝不须捉此!”即取于前烧之。<br /> 初,上于石头造露车三千乘,欲步道取彭城。魏人知之,刘昶数泣诉于魏主,乞处边戍,招集遗民,以雪私耻。魏主大会公卿于经武殿,以议南伐,于淮、泗间大积马刍。上闻之,以右卫将军崔慧景为豫州刺史以备之。<br /> 魏遣员外散骑侍郎邢峦等来聘。峦,颖之孙也。<br /> 丙子,文惠太子长懋卒。太子风韵甚和,上晚年好游宴,尚书曹事分送太子省之,由是威加内外。<br /> 太子性奢靡,治堂殿、园囿过于上宫,费以千万计,恐上望见之,乃傍门列修竹;凡诸服玩,率多僭侈。启于东田起小苑,使东宫将吏更番筑役,营城包巷,弥亘华远。上性虽严,多布耳目,太子所为,人莫敢以闻。上尝过太子东田,见其壮丽,大怒,收监作主帅;太子皆藏之,由是大被诮责。<br /> 又使嬖人徐文景造辇及乘舆御物;上尝幸东宫,匆匆不暇藏辇,文景乃以佛像内辇中,故上不疑。文景父陶仁谓文景曰:“我正当扫墓待丧耳!”仍移家避之。后文景竟赐死,陶仁遂不哭。<br /> 及太子卒,上履行东宫,见其服玩,大怒,敕有司随事毁除。以竟陵王子良与太子善,而不启闻,并责之。<br /> 太子素恶西昌侯鸾,尝谓子良曰:“我意中殊不喜此人,不解其故,当由其福薄故也。”子良为之救解。及鸾得政,太子子孙无遗焉。<br /> 二月,魏主始耕藉田于平城南。<br /> 雍州刺史王奂恶宁蛮长史刘兴祖,收系狱,诬其构扇山蛮,欲为乱,敕送兴祖下建康;奂于狱中杀之,诈云自经。上大怒,遣中书舍人吕文显、直阁将军曹道刚将斋仗五百人收奂,敕镇西司马曹虎从江陵步道会襄阳。<br /> 奂子彪,素凶险,奂不能制。长史殷睿,奂之婿也。谓奂曰:“曹、吕来,既不见真敕,恐为奸变,正宜录取,驰启闻耳。”奂纳之。彪辄发州兵千馀人,开库配甲仗,出南堂,陈兵,闭门拒守。奂门生郑羽叩头启奂,乞出城迎台使,奂曰:“我不作贼,欲先遣启自申;正恐曹、吕辈小人相陵藉,故且闭门自守耳。”彪遂出,与虎军战,兵败,走归。三月,乙亥,司马黄瑶起、宁蛮长史河东裴叔业于城内起兵,攻奂,斩之,执彪及弟爽、弼、殷睿,皆伏诛。彪兄融、琛死于建康,琛弟秘书丞肃独得脱,奔魏。<br /> 夏,四月,甲午,立南郡王昭业为皇太孙,东宫文武悉改为太孙官属,以太子妃琅邪王氏为皇太孙太妃,南郡王妃何氏为皇太孙妃。妃戢,之女也。<br /> 魏太尉丕等请建中宫,戊戌,立皇后冯氏。后,熙之女也。魏主以《白虎通》云:“王者不臣妻之父母”,下诏令太师上书不称臣,入朝不拜;熙固辞。<br /> 光城蛮帅征虏将军田益宗帅部落四千馀户叛,降于魏。<br /> 五月,壬戌,魏主宴四庙子孙于宣文堂,亲与之齿,用家人礼。<br /> 甲子,魏主临朝堂,引公卿以下决疑政,录囚徒。帝谓司空穆亮曰:“自今朝廷政事,日中以前,卿等先自论议;日中以后,朕与卿等共决之。”<br /> 丙子,以宜都王铿为南豫州刺史。先是庐陵王子卿为南豫州刺史,之镇,道中戏部伍为水军;上闻之,大怒,杀其典签,以铿代之。子卿还第,上终身不与相见。襄阳蛮首雷婆思等帅户千馀求内徙于魏,魏人处之沔北。<br /> 魏主以平城地寒,六月雨雪,风沙常起,将迁都洛阳;恐群臣不从,乃议大举伐齐,欲以胁众。斋于明堂左个,使太常卿王谌筮之,遇“革”,帝曰:“‘汤、武革命,顺乎天而应乎人。’吉孰大焉!”群臣莫敢言。尚书任城王澄曰:“陛下弈叶重光,帝有中土;今出师以征未服,而得汤、武革命之象,未为全吉也。”帝厉声曰:“繇云:‘大人虎变’,何言不吉!”澄曰:“陛下龙兴已久,何得今乃虎变!”帝作色曰:“社稷我之社稷,任城欲沮众邪!”澄曰:“社稷虽为陛下之有,臣为社稷之臣,安可知危而不言!”帝久之乃解,曰:“各言其志,夫亦何伤!”<br /> 既还宫,召澄入见,逆谓之曰:“向者《革卦》,今当更与卿论之。明堂之忿,恐人人竞言,沮我大计,故以声色怖文武耳。想识朕意。”因屏人,谓澄曰:“今日之举,诚为不易。但国家兴自朔土,徙居平城;此乃用武之地,非可文治。今将移风易俗,其道诚难,朕欲因此迁宅中原,卿以为何如?”澄曰:“陛下欲卜宅中土,以经略四海,此周、汉之所以兴隆也。”帝曰:“北人习常恋故,必将惊扰,奈何?”澄曰:“非常之事,故非常人之所及。陛下断自圣心,彼亦何所能为!”帝曰;“任城,吾之子房也!”<br /> 六月,丙戌,命作河桥,欲以济师。秘书监卢渊上表,以为:“前世承平之主,未尝亲御六军,决胜行陈之间;岂非胜之不足为武,不胜有亏威望乎!昔魏武以弊卒一万破袁绍,谢玄以步兵三千摧苻秦,胜负之变,决于须臾,不在众寡也。”诏报曰:“承平之主,所以不亲戎事者,或以同轨无敌,或以懦劣偷安。今谓之同轨则未然,比之懦劣则可耻,必若王者不当亲戎,则先王制革辂,何所施也?魏武之胜,盖由仗顺,苻氏之败,亦由失政;岂寡必能胜众,弱必能制强邪!”丁未,魏主讲武,命尚书李冲典武选。<br /> 建康僧法智与徐州民周盘龙等作乱,夜,攻徐州城,入之;刺史王玄邈讨诛之。<br /> 秋,七月,癸丑,魏立皇子恂为太子。<br /> 戊午,魏中外戒严,发露布及移书,称当南伐。诏发扬、徐州民丁,广设召募以备之。<br /> 中书郎王融,自恃人地,三十内望为公辅。尝夜直省中,抚案叹曰:“为尔寂寂,邓禹笑人!”行逢硃雀桁开,喧湫不得进,捶车壁叹曰:“车前无八驺,何得称丈夫!”竟陵王子良爱其文学,特亲厚之。<br /> 融见上有北伐之志,数上书奖劝,因大习骑射。及魏将入寇,子良于东府募兵,版融宁朔将军,使典其事。融倾意招纳,得江西伧楚数百人,并有干用。<br /> 会上不豫,诏子良甲仗入延昌殿侍医药;子良以萧衍、范云等皆为帐内军主。戊辰,遣江州刺史陈显达镇樊城。上虑朝野忧遑,力疾召木府奏正声伎。子良日夜在内,太孙间日参承。<br /> 戊寅,上疾亟,暂绝;太孙未入,内外惶惧,百僚皆已变服。王融欲矫诏立子良,诏草已立。萧衍谓范云曰:“道路籍籍,皆云将有非常之举。王元长非济世才,视其败也。”云曰:“忧国家者,唯有王中书耳。”衍曰:“忧国,欲为周、召,欲为竖刁邪?”云不敢答。及太孙来,王融戎服绛衫,于中书省阁口断东宫仗不得进。顷之,上复苏,问太孙所在,因召东宫器甲皆入,以朝事委尚书左仆射西昌侯鸾。俄而上殂,融处分以子良兵禁诸门。鸾闻之,急驰至云龙门,不得进,鸾曰:“有敕召我!”排之而入,奉太孙登殿,命左右扶出子良;指麾部署,音响如钟,殿中无不从命。融知不遂,释服还省,叹曰:“公误我!”由是郁林王深怨之。<br /> 遗诏曰:“太孙进德日茂,社稷有寄。子良善相毘辅,思弘治道,内外众事,无大小悉与鸾参怀,共下意!尚书中事,职务根本,悉委右仆射王晏、吏部尚书徐孝嗣;军旅之略,委王敬则、陈显达、王广之、王玄邈、沈文季、张瑰、薛渊等。”<br /> 世祖留心政事,务总大体,严明有断,郡县久于其职,长吏犯法,封刃行诛。故永明之世,百姓丰乐,贼盗屏息。然颇好游宴,华靡之事,常言恨之,未能顿遣。<br /> 郁林王之未立也,众皆疑立子良,口语喧腾。武陵王晔于众中大言曰:“若立民,则应在我;立嫡,则应在太孙。”由是帝深凭赖之。直阁周奉叔、曹道刚素为帝心膂,并使监殿中直卫;少日,复以道刚为黄门郎。<br /> 初,西昌侯鸾为太祖所爱,鸾性俭素,车服仪从,同于素士,所居官名为严能,故世祖亦重之。世祖遗诏,使竟陵王子良辅政,鸾知尚书事。子良素仁厚,不乐世务,乃更推鸾,故遗诏云“事无大小,悉与鸾参怀”,子良之志也。<br /> 帝少养于子良妃袁氏,慈爱甚著。及王融有谋,遂深忌子良。大行出太极殿,子良居中书省,帝使虎贲中郎将潘敞领二百人仗屯太极西阶以防之。既成服,诸王皆出,子良乞停至山陵,不许。<br /> 壬午,称遗诏,以武陵王晔为卫将军,与征南大将军陈显达并开府仪同三司;尚书左仆射、西昌侯鸾为尚书令;太孙詹事沈文季为护军。癸未,以竟陵王子良为太傅;蠲除三调及众逋,省御府及无用池田、邸治。减关市征税。<br /> 先是,蠲原之诏,多无事实,督责如故。是时西昌侯鸾知政,恩信两行,众皆悦之。<br /> 魏山阳景桓公尉元卒。<br /> 魏主使录尚书事广陵王羽持节安抚六镇,发其突骑。丁亥,魏主辞永固陵;己丑,发平城,南伐,步骑三十馀万;使太尉丕与广陵王羽留守平城,并加使持节。羽曰:“太尉宜专节度,臣正可为副。”魏主曰:“老者之智,少者之决,汝无辞也。”以河南王干为车骑大将军、都督关右诸军事,又以司空穆亮、安南将军卢渊、平南将军薛胤皆为干副,众合七万出子午谷。胤,辩之曾孙也。<br /> 郁林王性辩慧,美容止,善应对,哀乐过人;世祖由是爱之。而矫情饰诈,阴怀鄙慝,与左右群小共衣食,同卧起。<br /> 始为南郡王,从竟陵王子良在西州,文惠太子每禁其起居,节其用度。王密就富人求钱,无敢不与。别作钥钩,夜开西州后阁,与左右至诸营署中淫宴。师史仁祖、侍书胡天翼相谓曰:“若言之二宫,则其事未易;若于营署为异人所殴及犬物所伤,岂直罪止一身,亦当尽室及祸。年各七十,馀生岂足吝邪!”数日间,二人相继自杀,二宫不知也。所爱左右,皆逆加官爵,疏于黄纸,使囊盛带之,许南面之日,依此施行。<br /> 侍太子疾及居丧,忧容号毁,见者呜咽;裁还私室,即欢笑酣饮。常令女巫杨氏祷祀,速求天位。及太子卒,谓由杨氏之力,倍加敬倍。既为太孙,世祖有疾,又令杨氏祷祀。时何妃犹在西州,世祖疾稍危,太孙与何妃书,纸中央作一大喜字,而作三十六小喜字绕之。<br /> 侍世祖疾,言发泪下。世祖以为必能负荷大业,谓曰:“五年中一委宰相,汝勿措意;五年外勿复委人。若自作无成,无所多恨。”临终,执其手曰:“若忆翁,当好作!”遂殂。大敛始毕,悉呼世祖诸伎,备奏众乐。<br /> 即位十馀日,即收王融下廷尉,使中丞孔稚珪奏融险躁轻狡,招纳不逞,诽谤朝政。融求援于竟陵王子良,子良忧惧,不敢救。遂于狱赐死,时年二十七。<br /> 初,融欲与东海徐勉相识,每托人召之。勉谓人曰:“王君名高望促,难可轻{敝衣}衣裾。”俄而融及祸。勉由是知名。太学生会稽魏准,以才学为融所赏;融欲立子良,准鼓成其事。太学生虞羲、丘国宾窃相谓曰:“竟陵才弱,王中书无断,败在眼中矣。”及融诛,召准入舍人省诘问,惶惧而死,举体皆青,时人以为胆破。<br /> 壬寅,魏主至肆州,见道路民有跛、眇者,停驾慰劳,给衣食终身。<br /> 大司马安定王休执军士为盗者三人,以徇于军,将斩之。魏主行军遇之,命赦之,休不可,曰:“陛下亲御六师,将远清江表,今始行至此,而小人已为攘盗,不斩之,何以禁奸!”帝曰:“诚如卿言。然王者之体,时有非常之泽。三人罪虽应死,而因缘遇朕,虽违军法,可特赦之。”既而谓司徒冯诞曰:“大司马执法严,诸君不可不慎。”于是军中肃然。<br /> 臣光曰:“人主之于其国,譬犹一身,视远如视迩,在境如在庭。举贤才以任百官,修政事以利百姓,则封域之内无不得其所矣。是以先王黈纩塞耳,前旒蔽明,欲其废耳目之近用,推聪明于四远也。彼废疾者宜养,当命有司均之于境内,今独施于道路之所遇,则所遗者多矣。其为仁也,不亦微乎!况赦罪人以桡有司之法,尤非人君之体也。惜也!孝文,魏之贤君,而犹有是乎!<br /> 戊申,魏主至并州。并州刺史王袭,治有声迹,境内安静,帝嘉之。袭教民多立铭置道侧,虚称其美;帝闻而问之,袭对不以实。帝怒,降袭号二等。<br /> 九月,壬子,魏遣兼员外散骑常侍勃海高聪等来聘。<br /> 丁巳,魏主诏车驾所经,伤民秋稼者,亩给谷五斛。<br /> 辛酉,追尊文惠太子为文皇帝,庙号世宗。<br /> 世祖梓宫下渚,帝于端门内奉辞,辒辌车未出端门,亟称疾还内。裁入阁,即于内奏胡伎,鞞鐸之声,响震内外。丙寅,葬武皇帝于景安陵,庙号世祖。<br /> 戊辰,魏主济河;庚午,至洛阳;壬申,诣故太学观《石经》。<br /> 乙亥,邓至王像舒彭遣其子旧朝于魏,且请传位于旧;魏主许之。<br /> 魏主自发平城至洛阳,霖雨不止。丙子,诏诸军前发。丁丑,帝戎服,执鞭乘马而出。群臣稽颡于马前。帝曰:“庙算已定,大军将进,诸公更欲何云?”尚书李冲等曰:“今者之举,天下所不愿,唯陛下欲之。臣不知陛下独行,竟何之也!臣等有其意而无其辞,敢以死请!”帝大怒曰:“吾方经营天下,期于混壹,而卿等儒生,屡疑大计;斧钺有常,卿勿复言!”策马将出,于是安定王休等并殷勤泣谏。帝乃谕群臣曰:“今者兴发不小,动而无成,何以示后!朕世居幽朔,欲南迁中土;苟不南伐,当迁都于此,王公以为何如?欲迁者左,不欲者右。”安定王休等相帅如右。南安王桢进曰:“‘成大功者不谋于众。’今陛下苟辍南伐之谋,迁都洛邑,此臣等之愿,苍生之幸也。”群臣皆呼万岁。时旧人虽不愿内徙,而惮于南伐,无敢言者;遂定迁都之计。<br /> 李冲言于上曰:“陛下将定鼎洛邑,宗庙宫室,非可马上行游以待之。愿陛下暂还代都,俟群臣经营毕功,然后备文物、鸣和鸾而临之。”帝曰:“朕将巡省州郡,至鄴小停,春首即还,未宜归北。”乃遣任城王澄还平城,谕留司百官以迁都之事,曰:“今日真所谓革也。王其勉之!”帝以群臣意多异同,谓卫尉卿、镇南将军于烈曰:“卿意如何?”烈曰:“陛下圣略渊远,非愚浅所测。若隐心而言,乐迁之与恋旧,适中半耳。”帝曰:“卿既不唱异,即是肯同,深感不言之益。”使还镇平城,曰:“留台庶政,一以相委。”烈,栗磾之孙也。<br /> 先是,北地民支酉聚众数千,起兵于长安城北石山,遣使告梁州刺史阴智伯,秦州民王广亦起兵应之,攻执魏刺史刘藻,秦、雍间七州民皆响震,众至十万,各守堡壁以待齐救。魏河南王干引兵击之,干兵大败;支酉进至咸阳北浊谷,穆亮与战,又败;阴智伯遣军主席德仁等将兵数千与相应接。酉等进向长安,卢渊、薛胤等拒击,大破之,降者数万口。渊唯诛首恶,馀悉不问,获酉、广,并斩之。<br /> 冬,十月,戊寅朔,魏主如金墉城,征穆亮,使与尚书李冲、将作大匠董尔经营洛都。己卯,如河南城;乙酉,如豫州;癸巳,舍于石济。乙未,魏解严,设坛于滑台城东,告行庙以迁都之意。大赦。起滑台宫。任城王澄至平城,众始闻迁都,莫不惊骇。澄援引古今,徐以晓之,众乃开伏。澄还报于滑台,魏主喜曰:“非任城,朕事不成。”<br /> 壬寅,尊皇太孙太妃为皇太后;立妃为皇后。<br /> 癸卯,魏主如鄴城。王肃见魏主于鄴,陈伐齐之策。魏主与之言,不觉促席移晷。自是器遇日隆,亲旧贵臣莫能间也。魏主或屏左右与肃语,至夜分不罢,自谓君臣相得之晚。寻除辅国将军、大将军长史。时魏主方议兴礼乐,变华风,凡威仪文物,多肃所定。<br /> 乙巳,魏主遣安定王休帅从官迎家于平城。<br /> 辛亥,封皇弟昭文为新安王,昭秀为临海王,昭粲为永嘉王。<br /> 魏主筑宫于鄴西,十一月,癸亥,徙居之。<br /> 御史中丞江淹劾奏前益州刺史刘悛、梁州刺史阴智伯赃货巨万,皆抵罪。初,悛罢广、司二州,倾赀以献世祖,家无留储。在益州,作金浴盆,馀物称是。及郁林王即位,悛所献减少。帝怒,收悛付廷尉,欲杀之;西昌侯鸾救之,得免,犹禁锢终身。悛,勔之子也。</p>' |
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meta_title | '资治通鉴--齐纪--齐纪四_古文_隋唐演义' |
meta_keywords | '齐纪四,齐纪' |
meta_description | '昭阳作噩,一年。世祖武皇帝下◎ 永明十一年癸酉,公元四九三年春,正月,以骠骑大将军王敬则为司空,镇军大将军陈显达为江州刺史。显达自以门寒位重,每迁官,常有愧惧之色,戒其子勿以富贵陵' |
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margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: ">某某某信息技术有限公司成立于2014年3月,是一家专注于「为中小企业提供信息化服务」的互联网企业,主要从事PHP语言的CMS网站管理系统、线下通信信息工程、线上线下软件咨询与服务等业务。</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: ">与其他建站公司不同的是,我们自创业之初就自主研发了一款免费的FineCMS、商业版POSCMS、迅睿开发框架,并且以迅睿为核心产品一直不断更新研发至今,经过多年的精心打造和发展,具有广泛的用户基础和稳定的程序框架,已成长为国内领先的CMS建站程序开发商和网站建设服务商。</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: ">自创办以来,某某某信息技术有限公司一直保持高速发展,服务了超过500家客户,遍及全国31个省市,从PC时代的CMS,到移动时代的多终端一体化,某某某紧跟时代发展趋势。</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: ">我们深知某某某信息技术有限公司的发展离不开广大客户长期以来的支持。始终以客户、员工、企业共赢为核心价值观,某某某信息技术有限公司团队将秉承这一服务理念,汇聚互联网行业精英,把握产业发展规律,坚持产品、技术和服务创新,打造顶级“互联网”解决方案。我们将始终秉承“诚信、专业、团结,创新,双赢,发展。”的企业精神,配合踏实的工作作风,竭诚为每位客户提供最优质的服务! </p><p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: "><span style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-weight: 700;">企业使命:助力传媒产业互联网化<br>企业愿景:成为互联网+媒体解决方案领导者<br>企业价值观:客户第一 团队合作 与时俱进 诚信 专注 激情</span></p><p><br></p>', 'setting' => array ( 'disabled' => '0', 'linkurl' => '', 'getchild' => '0', 'notedit' => '0', 'urlrule' => 7, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '[第{page}页{join}]{catpname}{join}{modname}{join}{SITE_NAME}', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => '10', 'mpagesize' => '10', 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => NULL, 'module_field' => NULL, 'html' => 0, 'chtml' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'disabled' => '0', 'ismain' => 1, 'pcatpost' => 0, 'topid' => '5', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '5', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'url' => 'https://www.suitangyanyi.com/list-wt.html', 'total' => '请使用count标签查询', 'field' => array ( ), ), 13 => array ( 'id' => '13', 'tid' => '1', 'pid' => '0', 'mid' => 'news', 'pids' => '0', 'name' => '美文', 'dirname' => 'meiwen', 'pdirname' => '', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 13, 'domain' => '', 'mobile_domain' => '', 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'content' => '', 'setting' => array ( 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 7, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '[第{page}页{join}]{catpname}{join}{modname}{join}{SITE_NAME}', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => '10', 'mpagesize' => '10', 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => NULL, 'html' => 0, 'chtml' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'disabled' => '0', 'ismain' => 1, 'pcatpost' => 0, 'topid' => '13', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '13', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'url' => 'https://www.suitangyanyi.com/list-meiwen.html', 'total' => '请使用count标签查询', 'field' => array ( ), ), 14 => array ( 'id' => '14', 'tid' => '1', 'pid' => '0', 'mid' => 'news', 'pids' => '0', 'name' => '双十一', 'dirname' => 'shuangshiyi', 'pdirname' => '', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 14, 'domain' => NULL, 'mobile_domain' => NULL, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'content' => '', 'setting' => array ( 'disabled' => '0', 'linkurl' => '', 'getchild' => '0', 'notedit' => '0', 'urlrule' => 7, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '[第{page}页{join}]{catpname}{join}{SITE_NAME}', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => '20', 'mpagesize' => '20', 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => NULL, 'module_field' => NULL, 'html' => 0, 'chtml' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'disabled' => '0', 'ismain' => 1, 'pcatpost' => 0, 'topid' => '14', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '14', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'url' => 'https://www.suitangyanyi.com/list-shuangshiyi.html', 'total' => '请使用count标签查询', 'field' => array ( ), ), 21 => array ( 'id' => '21', 'tid' => '2', 'pid' => '0', 'mid' => '', 'pids' => '0', 'name' => '历史故事', 'dirname' => 'lishigushi', 'pdirname' => '', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 21, 'domain' => NULL, 'mobile_domain' => NULL, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'content' => '', 'setting' => array ( 'disabled' => '0', 'linkurl' => '/jzlist-lishigushi.html', 'getchild' => '0', 'notedit' => 0, 'urlrule' => 7, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '[第{page}页{join}]{catpname}{join}{SITE_NAME}', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => '20', 'mpagesize' => '20', 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => NULL, 'module_field' => NULL, 'html' => 0, 'chtml' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'disabled' => '0', 'ismain' => 1, 'pcatpost' => 0, 'topid' => '21', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '21', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'url' => 'https://www.suitangyanyi.com/jzlist-lishigushi.html', 'total' => '请使用count标签查询', 'field' => array ( ), ), ) |
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get | array ( 'c' => 'show', 'id' => '22512', 'm' => 'index', ) |
App.php | APPPATH/Config/App.php |
Auto.php | FCPATH/App/Module/Config/Auto.php |
Auto.php | FCPATH/App/Tpl/Config/Auto.php |
Autoload.php | APPPATH/Config/Autoload.php |
AutoloadConfig.php | APPPATH/System/Config/AutoloadConfig.php |
Autoloader.php | APPPATH/System/Autoloader/Autoloader.php |
BaseBuilder.php | APPPATH/System/Database/BaseBuilder.php |
BaseCollector.php | APPPATH/System/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/BaseCollector.php |
BaseConfig.php | APPPATH/System/Config/BaseConfig.php |
BaseConnection.php | APPPATH/System/Database/BaseConnection.php |
BaseHandler.php | APPPATH/System/Cache/Handlers/BaseHandler.php |
BaseResult.php | APPPATH/System/Database/BaseResult.php |
BaseService.php | APPPATH/System/Config/BaseService.php |
Builder.php | APPPATH/System/Database/MySQLi/Builder.php |
Cache.php | APPPATH/Config/Cache.php |
Cache.php | APPPATH/Extend/Cache.php |
Cache.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Library/Cache.php |
CacheFactory.php | APPPATH/System/Cache/CacheFactory.php |
CacheInterface.php | APPPATH/System/Cache/CacheInterface.php |
Category.php | FCPATH/App/Module/Action/Category.php |
CliRenderer.php | APPPATH/System/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/CliRenderer.php |
CodeIgniter.php | APPPATH/Extend/CodeIgniter.php |
CodeIgniter.php | APPPATH/System/CodeIgniter.php |
Common.php | APPPATH/System/Common.php |
Config.php | APPPATH/System/Config/Config.php |
Config.php | APPPATH/System/Database/Config.php |
Connection.php | APPPATH/System/Database/MySQLi/Connection.php |
ConnectionInterface.php | APPPATH/System/Database/ConnectionInterface.php |
Constants.php | APPPATH/Config/Constants.php |
Content.php | FCPATH/App/Module/Models/Content.php |
Content.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Model/Content.php |
ContentSecurityPolicy.php | APPPATH/Config/ContentSecurityPolicy.php |
ContentSecurityPolicy.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/ContentSecurityPolicy.php |
Controller.php | APPPATH/Extend/Controller.php |
Controller.php | APPPATH/System/Controller.php |
Database.php | APPPATH/Config/Database.php |
Database.php | APPPATH/System/Database/Database.php |
Database.php | APPPATH/System/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Database.php |
Date.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Field/Date.php |
DebugToolbar.php | APPPATH/System/Filters/DebugToolbar.php |
DotEnv.php | APPPATH/System/Config/DotEnv.php |
Editor.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Field/Editor.php |
Events.php | APPPATH/Config/Events.php |
Events.php | APPPATH/System/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Events.php |
Events.php | APPPATH/System/Events/Events.php |
Exceptions.php | APPPATH/Config/Exceptions.php |
Exceptions.php | APPPATH/Extend/Exceptions.php |
Exceptions.php | APPPATH/System/Debug/Exceptions.php |
Factories.php | APPPATH/System/Config/Factories.php |
Factory.php | APPPATH/System/Config/Factory.php |
Field.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Library/Field.php |
File.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Field/File.php |
FileHandler.php | APPPATH/System/Cache/Handlers/FileHandler.php |
FileLocator.php | APPPATH/System/Autoloader/FileLocator.php |
Files.php | APPPATH/System/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Files.php |
FilterInterface.php | APPPATH/System/Filters/FilterInterface.php |
Filters.php | APPPATH/Config/Filters.php |
Filters.php | APPPATH/System/Filters/Filters.php |
Filters.php | FCPATH/App/Collapi/Config/Filters.php |
Filters.php | FCPATH/App/Module/Config/Filters.php |
Header.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/Header.php |
Helper.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Core/Helper.php |
Hook.php | APPPATH/Extend/Hook.php |
Hooks.php | FCPATH/App/Member/Config/Hooks.php |
Hooks.php | FCPATH/App/Module/Config/Hooks.php |
Hooks.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Core/Hooks.php |
IncomingRequest.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/IncomingRequest.php |
Init.php | APPPATH/Init.php |
Init.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Init.php |
Input.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Library/Input.php |
Kint.php | APPPATH/Config/Kint.php |
Kint.php | APPPATH/System/ThirdParty/Kint/Kint.php |
Lang.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Library/Lang.php |
Logger.php | APPPATH/Config/Logger.php |
Logger.php | APPPATH/System/Log/Logger.php |
LoggerInterface.php | APPPATH/System/ThirdParty/PSR/Log/LoggerInterface.php |
Logs.php | APPPATH/System/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Logs.php |
Member.php | FCPATH/App/Member/Libraries/Member.php |
Member.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Model/Member.php |
Member_auth.php | FCPATH/App/Member/Libraries/Member_auth.php |
Message.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/Message.php |
MessageInterface.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/MessageInterface.php |
MessageTrait.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/MessageTrait.php |
Model.php | APPPATH/Extend/Model.php |
Model.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Core/Model.php |
Module.php | FCPATH/App/Module/Action/Module.php |
Module.php | FCPATH/App/Module/Extends/Home/Module.php |
Module_init.php | FCPATH/App/Module/Config/Module_init.php |
Modules.php | APPPATH/Config/Modules.php |
Modules.php | APPPATH/System/Modules/Modules.php |
Paths.php | APPPATH/Config/Paths.php |
Phpcmf.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Core/Phpcmf.php |
Query.php | APPPATH/System/Database/Query.php |
QueryInterface.php | APPPATH/System/Database/QueryInterface.php |
Renderer.php | APPPATH/System/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/Renderer.php |
RendererInterface.php | APPPATH/System/View/RendererInterface.php |
Request.php | APPPATH/Extend/Request.php |
Request.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/Request.php |
RequestInterface.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/RequestInterface.php |
RequestTrait.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/RequestTrait.php |
Response.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/Response.php |
ResponseInterface.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/ResponseInterface.php |
ResponseTrait.php | APPPATH/System/API/ResponseTrait.php |
ResponseTrait.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/ResponseTrait.php |
Result.php | APPPATH/System/Database/MySQLi/Result.php |
ResultInterface.php | APPPATH/System/Database/ResultInterface.php |
RichRenderer.php | APPPATH/System/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/RichRenderer.php |
RouteCollection.php | APPPATH/System/Router/RouteCollection.php |
RouteCollectionInterface.php | APPPATH/System/Router/RouteCollectionInterface.php |
Router.php | APPPATH/System/Router/Router.php |
Router.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Library/Router.php |
RouterInterface.php | APPPATH/System/Router/RouterInterface.php |
Routes.php | APPPATH/Config/Routes.php |
Routes.php | APPPATH/Extend/Routes.php |
Routes.php | APPPATH/System/Config/Routes.php |
Routes.php | APPPATH/System/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Routes.php |
Run.php | FCPATH/App/Module/Config/Run.php |
Security.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Library/Security.php |
Seo.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Library/Seo.php |
Service.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Core/Service.php |
Services.php | APPPATH/Config/Services.php |
Services.php | APPPATH/System/Config/Services.php |
Show.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Control/Show.php |
Text.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Field/Text.php |
TextRenderer.php | APPPATH/System/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/TextRenderer.php |
Textarea.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Field/Textarea.php |
Timer.php | APPPATH/System/Debug/Timer.php |
Timers.php | APPPATH/System/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Timers.php |
Toolbar.php | APPPATH/Config/Toolbar.php |
Toolbar.php | APPPATH/System/Debug/Toolbar.php |
URI.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/URI.php |
UserAgent.php | APPPATH/System/HTTP/UserAgent.php |
UserAgents.php | APPPATH/Config/UserAgents.php |
Utils.php | APPPATH/System/ThirdParty/Kint/Utils.php |
Version.php | FCPATH/My/Config/Version.php |
View.php | APPPATH/Config/View.php |
View.php | APPPATH/Extend/View.php |
View.php | APPPATH/System/Config/View.php |
View.php | APPPATH/System/View/View.php |
View.php | FCPATH/Fcms/Core/View.php |
Views.php | APPPATH/System/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Views.php |
custom.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/config/custom.php |
database.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/config/database.php |
domain_app.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/cache/config/domain_app.php |
domain_client.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/cache/config/domain_client.php |
hooks.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/config/hooks.php |
index.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/index.php |
init.php | APPPATH/System/ThirdParty/Kint/init.php |
init_helpers.php | APPPATH/System/ThirdParty/Kint/init_helpers.php |
lang.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/api/language/zh-cn/lang.php |
rewrite.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/config/rewrite.php |
site.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/cache/config/site.php |
system.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/cache/config/system.php |
template_DS_pc_DS_x2h-004_DS_home_DS_footer.html.cache.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/cache/template/template_DS_pc_DS_x2h-004_DS_home_DS_footer.html.cache.php |
template_DS_pc_DS_x2h-004_DS_home_DS_header.html.cache.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/cache/template/template_DS_pc_DS_x2h-004_DS_home_DS_header.html.cache.php |
template_DS_pc_DS_x2h-004_DS_home_DS_show.html.cache.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/cache/template/template_DS_pc_DS_x2h-004_DS_home_DS_show.html.cache.php |
template_DS_pc_DS_x2h-004_DS_home_DS_showcontent.html.cache.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/cache/template/template_DS_pc_DS_x2h-004_DS_home_DS_showcontent.html.cache.php |
template_DS_pc_DS_x2h-004_DS_home_DS_side.html.cache.php | /www/wwwroot/suitangyanyi.com/public/cache/template/template_DS_pc_DS_x2h-004_DS_home_DS_side.html.cache.php |
url_helper.php | APPPATH/System/Helpers/url_helper.php |
File: | {file} |
App: | |
Controller: | show |
Method: | index |
URI: | show/index |
URL: | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/show-22512.html |
Time | Event Name | Times Called |
17.93 ms | pre_system | 1 |
0.49 ms | dbquery | 17 |
Action | Datetime | Status | Method | URL | Content-Type | Is AJAX? |
2025-03-16 04:54:07 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:54:06 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:54:05 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:54:04 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:54:03 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:54:02 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:54:01 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:54:00 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:53:59 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:53:58 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:53:57 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:53:55 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:53:54 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:53:53 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:53:52 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:53:51 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:53:48 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:53:47 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:53:46 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 04:53:45 | 200 | GET | https://www.suitangyanyi.com/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No |
Session doesn't seem to be active.
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Connection | keep-alive |
Host | www.suitangyanyi.com |
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Content Security Policy Enabled: | No |